Cheryl Warrick American, b. 1956
The Sound of the Bell was made at the beginning of an extended series of works, primarily paintings, that employed Haiku as a subject and inspiration. In 2001, Dolan/Maxwell published three etching/carborundum collagraph/monotype works with titles from a single Haiku:
The Sound of the Bell
Leaving the Bell
Cheryl had been working with the extremely long, narrow formats similar to The Sound of the Bell and Leaving the Bell. The lower portion and the belting ladder are made with monotype, each loosely painted onto a smooth plexiglass plate and then transferred via the etching press. The upper section is rich with fine detail, a stream of conscious gathering of figures, clocks, trees, flowers, a spiral, dogs, and more, etching into the copper plate with soft-ground, allowing the most direct approach—well worth a close look.